Who Will Cry When You Die

Life lesson by a monk who sold his Ferrari.

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“Who Will Cry When You Die?” is a self-help book written by Robin Sharma, published in 1999. The book provides practical tips and advice on how to live a fulfilling life and make a positive impact on the world. The title of the book suggests that it is important to live a life that will be remembered and celebrated by those who will remain after our death. Sharma encourages readers to reflect on their purpose, passions, and values and make the most of every moment of their lives.

The book covers various topics, including personal growth, spirituality, relationships, and success. It provides practical tips on how to cultivate positive habits, stay motivated, and develop a strong sense of self-awareness. Overall, “Who Will Cry When You Die?” is an inspiring and thought-provoking book that encourages readers to live a meaningful and purposeful life. It is a great read for anyone who is looking for guidance and inspiration on how to make the most of their life and leave a positive impact on the world.

Here are some key lessons from “Who will cry when you die” by Robin Sharma:

Live each day as if it were your last: Sharma emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and making the most of each day. He encourages readers to identify their purpose and passions, and to make time for the things that truly matter.

Take care of your mind, body, and soul: The book stresses the importance of taking care of one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Sharma suggests simple daily habits, such as meditation, exercise, and positive self-talk, that can improve overall well-being.

Give to others: One of the main messages of the book is the importance of giving to others. Sharma suggests finding ways to help those in need and making a positive impact on the world.

Learn from failures and setbacks: The book encourages readers to view failures and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Sharma suggests embracing challenges and using them to become stronger and more resilient.

Stay focused on your goals: Sharma emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and staying focused on them. He suggests developing a daily routine and using visualization techniques to stay motivated.

Cultivate gratitude: The book encourages readers to practice gratitude and appreciate the blessings in their lives. Sharma suggests keeping a gratitude journal and focusing on the positive aspects of life.

Top 50 takeaways from the book “Who will cry when you die” by Robin Sharma:

  1. Live each day as if it were your last.
  2. Don’t wait for opportunities, create them yourself.
  3. Keep learning and growing every day.
  4. Practice gratitude to be happier and more fulfilled.
  5. Set clear goals and focus on achieving them.
  6. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people.
  7. Be kind and compassionate to others.
  8. Take care of your physical health through exercise and a healthy diet.
  9. Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and increase focus.
  10. Find and pursue your passion in life.
  11. Live in the present moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
  12. Be authentic and true to yourself.
  13. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  14. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
  15. Take responsibility for your life and your choices.
  16. Embrace change and be open to new experiences.
  17. Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
  18. Cultivate a positive attitude and outlook on life.
  19. Prioritize your time and energy to focus on what matters most to you.
  20. Practice forgiveness to let go of grudges and resentments.
  21. Be proactive and take initiative in your life.
  22. Keep a journal to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  23. Take time to relax and recharge your batteries.
  24. Practice self-care and self-compassion.
  25. Seek out mentors and role models to learn from.
  26. Celebrate your successes and accomplishments.
  27. Don’t compare yourself to others or worry about what they think of you.
  28. Stay curious and never stop learning.
  29. Practice gratitude.
  30. Take calculated risks to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.
  31. Build strong, meaningful relationships with others.
  32. Find purpose and meaning in your work and your life.
  33. Keep a positive attitude even in the face of adversity.
  34. Practice self-discipline and self-control.
  35. Stay focused on your goals and don’t get distracted by minor setbacks.
  36. Build a support network of friends, family, and colleagues.
  37. Learn to manage your time effectively.
  38. Practice active listening to truly understand others.
  39. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
  40. Take responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them.
  41. Be honest and transparent in your interactions with others.
  42. Surround yourself with positive influences and avoid negative ones.
  43. Set boundaries to protect your time and energy.
  44. Don’t hold grudges or dwell on the past.
  45. Keep a positive attitude even when things don’t go as planned.
  46. Learn to manage stress effectively.
  47. Cultivate a growth mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.
  48. Practice empathy and understanding towards others.
  49. Be mindful of your words and actions and their impact on others.
  50. Take action towards your goals and don’t wait for things to happen on their own.


In the book “Who Will Cry When You Die?” by Robin Sharma, the author provides practical and actionable advice for readers to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. He emphasizes the importance of living each day as if it were your last, practicing gratitude, setting clear goals, surrounding yourself with positive people, and taking care of your physical and mental health.

Sharma encourages readers to embrace change, take calculated risks, and find purpose and meaning in their work and their lives. He also emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships, being kind and compassionate towards others, and learning from mistakes and failures.

Overall, the book serves as a guide for readers to live a life that they will be proud of, and to create a legacy that will inspire others to do the same. The key message of the book is to take control of your life, make the most of every opportunity, and leave a positive impact on the world.