The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

Develop the confidence and resilience to live lives on your own terms.

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The Courage to Be Disliked is a self-help book written by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga that aims to help readers develop the confidence and resilience to live their lives on their own terms. The book is based on the philosophical ideas of Alfred Adler, a pioneering psychotherapist who believed that humans are driven by a desire to feel significant and that this desire shapes their behavior and personality.

Throughout the book, Kishimi and Koga explore Adler’s ideas and provide practical advice and strategies for developing the courage to be disliked. They argue that by learning to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs, we can live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

Part 1: Introduction to Adler's Philosophy

This part of the book introduces the philosophical ideas of Alfred Adler and provides an overview of his approach to psychology and self-improvement.

Part 2: The Importance of Self-Acceptance

This part of the book explores the importance of self-acceptance and the idea that we are all worthy of love and respect, regardless of what others may think of us. It covers topics such as the dangers of seeking approval from others and the value of embracing our unique qualities.


This part of the book focuses on the importance of developing the courage to be disliked, or the ability to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs, even in the face of criticism or rejection. It provides practical advice and strategies for cultivating this type of courage and resilience.

Part 4: Applying Adler's Philosophy in Practice

This part of the book provides practical examples and case studies of how Adler’s philosophy can be applied in everyday life, as well as tips and strategies for implementing it in your own life.

Here are some key learnings from The Courage to Be Disliked:

We are all driven by a desire to feel significant and this desire shapes our behavior and personality. According to Adler’s philosophy, humans are driven by a deep-seated need to feel significant and meaningful, and this need shapes our behavior and personality. When we feel significant, we are more confident and resilient, and when we feel insignificant, we may feel anxious or depressed. By understanding this fundamental human desire, we can better understand our own behavior and find ways to cultivate a greater sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.

Self-acceptance is crucial for living an authentic and fulfilling life. According to Adler, we are all worthy of love and respect, regardless of what others may think of us. By embracing our unique qualities and accepting ourselves as we are, we can live more authentic and fulfilling lives. This requires a willingness to let go of the need for external validation or approval and to focus on our own values and goals.

Developing the courage to be disliked, or the ability to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs, is essential for living a meaningful and fulfilling life. This requires a willingness to take risks and to speak our truth, even in the face of criticism or rejection. By developing this type of courage and resilience, we can live more authentic and fulfilling lives and make a positive impact on the world.

The fear of rejection or failure can hold us back and prevent us from living our lives on our own terms. This fear is often rooted in a deep-seated fear of insignificance, and it can prevent us from pursuing our goals and dreams. By developing the courage to be disliked, we can overcome this fear and live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

The concept of "life tasks": Adlerian psychology posits that every individual has a unique set of tasks that they must complete in order to feel fulfilled and satisfied with their lives. These tasks may be related to career, relationships, or personal growth.

The importance of social interest: Adler believed that individuals who are able to connect with others and contribute to society are more likely to be happy and successful.

The power of choice: The book emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own life and making independent choices rather than relying on others or external circumstances to dictate one’s happiness.

The importance of self-awareness: The book encourages readers to reflect on their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to gain a better understanding of themselves and their motivations.

Here are a few quotes from The Courage to Be Disliked:

“An inferiority complex is a feeling of inadequacy or inferiority that arises from comparing oneself to others.”

“In order to live a fulfilling life, it is necessary to face and overcome one’s own inferiority complex and to take responsibility for one’s own happiness.”

“The most important thing in life is not what others think of us, but what we think of ourselves.”

“The power to choose is the foundation of human dignity, and it is also the source of human happiness.”

“The fear of being disliked is a fear of losing the approval or acceptance of others. It is a fear of being isolated or rejected.”

“To be disliked means to be independent and to take responsibility for one’s own life. It means having the courage to be oneself and to live according to one’s own values and beliefs.”


The Courage to Be Disliked is a self-help book that aims to help readers understand the philosophy of Alfred Adler, a 20th-century psychiatrist and psychotherapist, and apply it to their own lives. Adler’s philosophy centers on the idea that individuals are driven by a sense of inferiority and a desire to overcome it. According to Adler, the way to overcome this feeling of inferiority and achieve personal growth is to take responsibility for one’s own life and to seek to improve oneself and one’s relationships with others.

The main conclusion of The Courage to Be Disliked is that, in order to achieve true happiness and fulfillment, individuals must be willing to embrace their own individuality and strive to be true to themselves, even if it means facing criticism or rejection from others. The book encourages readers to think for themselves, to take responsibility for their own lives, and to pursue their own goals and dreams, rather than trying to fit in or conform to the expectations of others.

Overall, The Courage to Be Disliked encourages readers to be brave and confident in themselves, to stand up for their beliefs and values, and to live a life that is true to who they are, rather than trying to please others or fit in with societal norms.

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